Thursday, June 29, 2006

Canadian Music is Disappearing

Picture the scenario of someone walking into a record store, money in hand, and coming back out with that money still intact. You might wonder of course, why that money is still not spent. It might either be that they're out of stock of what you're looking for, or that the artist is no longer in their list of artists to stock.

That person was me. Just today, went to Music World to planned on getting something I had been eyeing for many months. I scanned the rack of CDs, trying to find what I wanted: Melanie Doane. I had found her quite easy to find in the past, so I was quite surprised that I couldn't find it. A clerk came to ask if I needed help, and I told him what I was looking for and he went to check "the book" once I told him the correct spelling of her last name. Came back and told me they don't stock her anymore. Huh? Asked why, and the answer came back that it didn't sell well enough. Ok, sure. Last I knew, she sold well enough.

Fine then, I figure I'll try something else I'd been eyeing that was easy to find in the past. And you know what? Same deal here. And then I start voicing my disappointment to the clerk. Met another clerk, this time a lady that understood my plight and thought the decision to no longer stock them was a stupid one. Can't argue there.

It seems as if all the music that I like and interested in is disappearing. It's not just one band, but two out of the two I had been looking for that I could no longer find. These are not the biggest money makers, I'm sure, but as I said in my previous post on this subject, how is a smaller band supposed to make money if the albums aren't in stock? A lot of these smaller bands need the bigger chains to support them due to their smaller influence. Some of these Canadian bands only tour specific provinces or areas and hardly venture out of it and the support from these big stores means more of a chance for someone who might not be familiar with their music to become aquainted with them. Example: Band might not tour selected location, but at least I can enjoy their music and hope that in the future they decide to tour further out. But with these stores cutting their support, it means less of a chance of success for these smaller bands, not to mention those that can't even get stocked in the first place that deserve a chance.

It seems that more and more with the experience that I've been having, that Canadian bands are disappearing from the shelves, in favour of bigger, more promising acts, that will probably just end up fading away in the next 2 or so years, and by that I mean both bigger Canadian and American acts that are pushing the smaller ones away. There ought to be some of the same Canadian Content Regulations put in place that the Radio and TV abide to that give smaller bands a fairer chance, even if those albums don't quite sell as much as the bigger bands. We need some protection for these artists.

So, while I am interested in buying this music, it seems foolish that these stores not make it available for those with money in hand. I would gladly pay money for something I want that is in stock. Is that so hard to do? I'm starting to feel frustrated and depressed that I can't find the music I want, and I feel it's the start of an ugly trend. Of course, it could just be that I'm just too out of touch with what I'm supposed to want, right? What's a poor guy supposed to do? Obviously, walk right back out with the money still intact.

Wednesday, June 14, 2006

Currently Reading: Star Trek - Titan: Taking Wing

Yes, don't laugh! I do read Star Trek books. I like reading them for light reading material when I don't want my brain to overload. Not going to say much as I've only just started it, but this one takes places after Nemesis is a new series about Riker's new command, the Titan. Should be exciting. I've wanted to read this one for quite awhile now. It was staring at me on my bookshelf, pleading to be read, and maybe after that I'll pick up the two other books in the series.

Ok, so as you've noticed, I finished reading Harry Potter & The Half-Blood Prince. It was quite good. I'm glad that I've finally read it so that I don't have to keep people silent.

Friday, June 02, 2006

Currently Reading: You-Know-What!

It's been awhile since I've posted what I've been reading. I'd forgotten to actually post what I've been reading ever since I finished reading The Confusion. And that's mostly because I'd been reading books in my pile that I had gotten in Vermont last year that aren't really worth mentioning. Yes, still trying to catch up, and I still have books that I got for Christmas. Wonder how long it will take me? I'm guessing I'll be done all of them by the time Christmas comes around.

Anyway, yes, I'm reading HP: And the Half-Blood Prince. It's taken long enough already to get to it, and I figured this was as good a time as any. I'm a slow reader and don't plow through like most people, so you'll just have to bear with me and wait until I finish it to discuss anything that I know you're bursting to talk about. I'm currently on Chapter 16 for those who are curious. And this is the UK cover, the one that is also used for the Canadian release. I tend to like the UK covers better than the American covers. The American covers sometimes tend to look a bit overdone in my opinion, and the one thing that makes the UK and Canadian releases stand out is the fact that they don't use chapter images.

And then of course, there are the Adult versions of the cover for each book. As a treat, I'm posting this one: