Sunday, June 03, 2007

Movie Review: Shrek The Third

Shrek was great. I really loved it, and when the second came out, I didn't think it could top it, but I ended up loving it better than the first. There were just so many jokes in references in it to make one's side split in laughter, plus the character had gotten even better.

I was really looking forward to Shrek 3, and I went to see it a few weeks ago. There were a lot of laughs, but there weren't as many as the previous movies. It was as if the characters had been tamed. And they were. They even got along better and didn't get into disagreements or annoy each other like in the previous. Then I read about the fact that it was a different team that had made this one than the first two, which pretty much explains why this one hadn't been as great.

Still, if you're a Shrek fan, you can't go wrong with it. Just don't expect the same level of clever jokes and references.


  1. I heard Shrek III wasn't as good. I didn't know about new team making it. Even an 8 year old told me it wasn't as good as the first two and it was a waste of his allowance to go LOL

  2. Wow, you don't hear that coming from an 8 year old everyday lol.
