Monday, September 03, 2007

Currently Reading: The Golden Compass - Philip Pullman

Weee, It's been awhile hasn't it? From being in Vermont for a week, and then having just coming back from Ottawa for a vacation, I haven't had much time to post.

During my vacation, I managed to finished Stephenson's System of the World, and I was happy to have finally finished it, yet sad that I did, but now I can leave it behind and concentrate on lighter stuff for awhile.

Unfortunately, I finished it while I was on vacation and I needed something for the trip back, so, surprise surprise, I've picked up yet another book!

This time it's The Golden Compass by Philip Pullman, and it's pretty good. An acclaimed children's series much in the vein of Harry Potter.

Also, a movie Starring Nicole Kidman and Daniel Craig is in the works and I believe it will be released this november.

Here's a link to the website:


  1. Ooh - this movie looks so fun! I'm putting the Golden Compass on my list of books to read and I'll make sure to read it before December.

  2. Hello, Raspberry! Do I know you? If not, let me know how you found me :)

    I'm about halfway through the book at the moment, and I must say, I've heard that these books were written in response to the Chronicles of Narnia books, in that while the Chronicles of Narnia tends to be Christian in its message, these books tend to be anti-Christian.
