Monday, July 07, 2008

Northern Lights Festival 2008

Every year, we have a local music festival. It's quite big and attracts a lot of artists, and is talked about at every major festival. I've been to it in previous years, but only on seperate days and never a full weekened.

This year, I changed that and decided that a full weekend was in order. For $60, it's quite a bargain, with all the acts that one gets to see.

So, what made me do the full weekend? It was when it was announced that the festival had secured Don McLean. Wait, back up a minute. Did I say Don McLean? Yes, actually I did. I couldn't quite believe it when I first heard it. I mean, why would he come to a small town, him of all people? This was probably the biggest act the festival ever managed to secure. Well, biggest in recent years in any case.

So I paid my ticket and went with a friend and it's going to be hard to top next year.

Among the highlights were The Sadies, Two Hour Traffic, John Doe with The Sadies, Damien Robitaille, People Project, Daniel Bélanger, Sharon & Bram (yes), Mike Ford, The Great Lake Swimmers, Ian Tamblyn, and of course Don McLean, who I pleaded to not let the music die.

More later


  1. It's about time you blogged. Your readers are champing at the bit. So move your buttocks and give us what we want...something to read about.

    Love, Elva!!
