Tuesday, September 20, 2005

And Music Too...

Well, it didn't take me long, but I've decided that I'll be including music reviews too. I like to think that I have a pretty eclectic taste in music, and I don't just buy what the media tries to shove down my throat. In fact, I hardly ever listen to the radio. If something catches my ears while browsing and I like what I hear enough for me to do some research, then I'm likely to buy if it's something I can find in a brick and mortar store. That's right. Call me archaic, but I don't do any online shopping. My reason is simple: I don't own a credit card as I find they are a spawn of the devil, too easy to get oneself into debt. If I can't find it in a store, I don't buy it, simple as that. I used to download music through Napster, but those days are long gone as it is such a fuss these days.

The unfortunate thing about buying only in brick and mortar stores is that if I can't find the music I'm looking for while taking a look through the local music stores, then I probably won't be able to have it, and it's only really rare for this to happen. Case in point, there is some really good east coast music that is available online and only available locally to the east coast (read that as Newfoundland, Nova Scotia and that general area of land), so the only way I'd be able to buy them would be to visit a particular music store in the east coast, which I know carries them, but that won't happen for awhile. Ahh, oh well, I can always dream can't I?

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