Monday, September 19, 2005

First Post

I'm literally fresh out from the blog creation process and ready to meet the electronic world! So, if things seem a little rough around the edges, it's just me trying to get used to the new furniture.

I've noticed a lot of people tend to describe themselves and what their blog is about on the first post, so I'm not going to shy away from that, but instead I'll try to go on long enough to bore you.

First, as the name of the blog suggests, it is primarily about books. I love reading. I have huge stacks of books on my bookshelf waiting to be read, both store bought books and classics that I end up finding where I least expect them. I guess you could call me a slow reader, as I take the time to read a book at my own pace. Typically, a book will take me about a month to read, sometimes less, sometimes more, depending on the thickness or the story itself. If the book is exciting enough, I'll maybe end up reading it in about a week or two.

This blog will document my adventures in reading, as I describe how I depict how certain passages in books look to me and from my perspective throughout my journey of reading them, then I'll review them, tell you what I thought of the book and give them my praise or tell you if they are fit for the pits, and I'll tell you what I'm currently reading. If we're going to be in this reading adventure together, I might as well try to be interesting, to give you something to read about, as you read about me reading books. Yes, it's going to be an interesting adventure for you and I...

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