Monday, October 31, 2005

Currently Reading: The Einstein Intersection

Well, hasn't taken me long to read the last book, has it? I said I was a slow reader, but it was quite an easy read. Well, even though this is another thin book, reading around the net leads me to believe that this book isn't so much an easy read, so it should take me longer, not that it's a problem for me of course.

Apparently this book, being claimed as one of's Samuel Delany's best books, is pretty psychological and at the same time mythical; a pretty weird book too. Time will tell if I'll end up liking it though as many people seem to not be able to "get" the message of the book. Should be an interesting ride though.

And soon, I'll post that Venus review. Maybe in the next post even. Oh yeah, before I forget, Happy Halloween!

For now, here's the description of this book from the back cover.


The Einstein Intersection is a novel of a strange far future when this world of Einsteinian laws, having intersected with a universe following a different set of rules, has changed - changed strangely, wonderfully, incredibly.

This is the story of Lobey, an alien Orpheus, and his adventures across a weird sumptuous world, marvelously haunted. Along his questing trail, he meets Spider, the driver of dragons; Kid Death, the red-headed killer from the sea; the Dove, fabulous love image of a world obsessed; Greeneye, victim of a ritual invented by a race dead for millenia; and Friza - the dark, silent girl Lobey searched for over deserts, through jungles of carnivorous flowers, from a quiet village to a furious city, to the shores of death, and beyond.


  1. Ooohhh you should read the Amber Chronicles from Roger Zelanzy...I love those stories!

  2. A three-headed dog? Where are you getting that idea? LOL. Maybe it's a mutation.

    Wow, the chapter I'm reading now is long. It's taking me a few nights to just read that one LOL. I don't have a problem with long chapters. In fact, I like reading them, but they take a longer time for me to finish them because I tend to want to fall asleep if they go on and on. But then again, that's why I read before going to sleep!
