Wednesday, April 05, 2006

How the Canadian Music Industry Smells

Ohhhh! He lives! Actually I've been engrossed reading Neal Stephenson's The Confusion and I haven't really bought any music recently, save for the Ray movie soundtrack and Spirit of the West's Hit Parade. So, as you can see, I haven't actually had much material to go on, especially since The Confusion is such a long book. But I haven't forgotten about this blog, which is why I'm making this post in the first place. I'll actually maybe review Hit Parade, but not the Ray soundtrack, because technically, what is there to review about it?

Ok, so I actually went out to buy some music today, so more material to review! But before I mention what I got, I've got a story. I went to the biggest music store there is in town. It's basically the only big chain store we have in the city anymore, and they usually carry lots of things that the other stores like Walmart and Futureshop don't. Well, I talked to a worker there who helped me try to find what I wanted. I first asked for Carbon Leaf. He goes to look for it in their index, but nah, he can't find it. I was surprised considering how big the band is down south, and that their latest album was actually released both in the US and Canada. He tells me that the chain won't put anything on the list unless the corporation recognizes it. So, essentially, you'll only find the already established bands. Big deal, right? Well, next, I asked about an up and coming Canadian band called the Clumsy Lovers. Awesome band, awesome music. Sorry, but can't find the album! You guessed it, because the corporation doesn't recognize them and they aren't on the list. How frustrating is that? I really want to support the band by buying the music, but I can't find it anywhere, and they aren't exactly an indie band. They're signed by Reprise Records, the same label that signed the Barenaked Ladies! I'm there in front of this worker wondering how new bands are supposed to become recognized and have their fans buy their albums. Man, it's frustrating to me just thinking about it. It must be doubly frustrating for the bands themselves! What a stupid policy! What's even worse is, this guy told me the store is not allowed selling albums of local bands, even if they know they're doing well, because, you guessed it, they aren't in the index. Hmmmphh! So, how the heck are bands supposed to make it in this industry? Yes folks, the Canadian Music Industry stinks! That's how it smells. S. T. I. N. K. S. Well, anyway, I did manage to find something I wanted. I was disappointed that I couldn't find Carbon Leaf and the Clumsy Lovers, despite how good these two bands aren't getting the support they deserve. I as I was scanning the CDs on the racks, I realized in the back of my mind that I did have another album in mind that I wanted, so I ended up walking out with Spirit of the West's Star Trails, their newest album. I did actually pay for it before walking out though ;)

Speaking of what stinks, anybody watched the Junos this weekend? Apparently it was the first time broadcast worldwide, and could be watched in the US on MTV and VH1. Of course, they needed worldwide recognized talent for that to happen and make people watch. But I tell you, Pamela Anderson just didn't cut it. She was probably one of the worst hosts the Junos ever had. She looked like she felt out of place , trying to remember who's who in Canada and who that upcoming talent is because of being in the US for so long. She looked disconnected from her reality. And then she drops the bomb while everyone boos her. She had made a poor tasteless joke about the seal hunt. Frankly, I think Mrs Anderson shouldn't be making jokes like that when she's been so out of touch with Canada and happy to be living down south. She was in Halifax afterall, one of the centers of the seal hunt. It was almost like a slap in the face to Canadians. "Hi Canada! Glad to be here! *SLAP!*"

Well, if Pamela Anderson wasn't bad enough, these Junos also had to count on American talent like Coldplay to get viewers. Not a bad idea on paper, but I'd far much rather see Canadian talent pulling in viewers. It is, after all a Canadian music awards show. Stop worrying so much about what the US will think, just showcase our talent! There are a lot of Canadian bands out there that deserve being watched by millions of US viewers, but instead that spotlight is being taken by an American band. This is Canada afterall, not the US, and I find the use of American talent to be pretty denigrating to Canadian talent, as if to say, our talent can't hold itself up, can't be counted on. What happened to the Canadian content regulations? They should have been put more into use here. I'd really hate to see the Junos become US-Centric and lose itself as a Canadian music awards show. But then again, it's not like it really matters does it? Do the awards really matter? Afterall, as a friend said, Great Big Sea, having been nominated for 12 years will have to change their biography to state that they are "twelve time juno losers". Yes, 12 years of being snubbed, folks. But in there, there's something to be proud of. There's a band that still makes money; people buying their albums, going to their shows, year after year getting snubbed. The by's are probably sitting around and saying: "Guys, look at all our fans! We don't need the Junos to tell us we're good!" After all, does anyone really remember Alannah Myles? She cleaned out the Junos in the 80's. Says a lot doesn't it?


  1. So very well said!
    I didn't watch the Juno's simply because the brainless boob job was gonna be on.
    Had they needed Canadian Talent to bring in outside viewers they could have found something with a brain! Celine Dion?
    all the hype and commercials pre-Juno's with her jumping up in her size 2 bikini on those boobs SCREAMED at me to not watch her, and then to read the crap she spewed in the paper the next morning I am glad I didn't watch. Rumor has it tho she had about a total of 5 minutes air time at about 1 minute intervals LMAO. guess they were paying her by the minute and she was just to expensive.
    Did you also hear about Michael Buble' and the 4 awards he won and during a commerical after receiving his second award they did a commercial for his Juno award winning cd and showed the cd cover stating 4 Juno wins...... LMAO how did they know he was gonna win 4 ???

    Nice to see you post !! Missed ya

  2. Celine Dion? Seriously? I really don't think so. She'd have just as much of an effect as Pamela Anderson did at this point. I lost any respect I had for her when she didn't even show up in person at Live8 to support her fellow Canadians, but instead did her performance via Satellite from Las Vegas! Come on! That was pathetic. She should have made an effort to be there, just like every other artist did. Why should she have special treatment?

    No, Celine Dion would more likely have people not even want to watch the Junos and turn it off. She's more hated than liked in the world.

  3. I wasn't aware the Juno's were being aired here in the US. But from what you and Kerry have said, I'm glad I didn't see them. Even being from the US, I don't know why they felt the need to have Colplay be there. There are indeed MANY good Canadian bands/artists that are deserving of the exposure and recognition the Juno's would bring.

    Glad to see you post something, we've all missed you!

  4. *Stands up and gives Wormy a standing ovation!* Very well put...I didn't realize the Junos were on here either...but I don't typically watch Vh1 or MtV.
    Brainless boob job!!! BRAVO Kerry!!! Betcha Ms. Isn't Biodegradable made that joke about seal hunting to impress her PETA Pals...(this is probably something that isn't well known about me but I have a HUGE problem with PETA and it's members)...anyway BRAVO Wormy!!! HUGS!

  5. I only gave Celine as an example of someone with brains not just beauty LOL.

    At this point I'm not sure of anyone I would have preferred. But definitely not Pammy
