Monday, April 10, 2006

Tech support can be funny

Doing something a bit different today. Today I'm posting one of those technical support stories. What makes this one different for me at least is the fact that the person taking the call was one of my friend's sisters, so it kind of strikes close to home. I just couldn't resist posting it, so here it is.

A few months ago, a friend of mine had this happen to his sister who works in a call center taking calls for a big American cable company who's name I won't mention. All I'll mention is that the call center is in Canada. I swear I'm not making any of this up...


A woman is waiting for a cable technician to come to her house so that they can install cable. She's in New York. That distinction is important. You'll know why in a minute...

She calls, and this is how the conversation went approximately.

Techsupport: Hello, Techsupport, how may I help you?

Client: Hi, I saw one of your vans parked outside and I've been waiting for my cable to be installed. He got out but he never came to the house. Instead, he got back in and drove away.

TS: Umm Maam, the technician reported hearing gunshots coming from your house.

Client: Oh, that was just my husband doing target practice in the basement!


  1. LMAO Another brainless wonder! Maybe Kerry will offer to loan her blonde flashlight out to that lady. I think she needs it more than Kerry does!
