Monday, May 15, 2006

Music Review: Spirit of the West - Hit Parade

It's been awhile since my last review and I've been meaning to post something, so I won't delay any longer.

Spirit of the West has quickly become one of my favourite bands over the years, but I hadn't actually bought an album of theirs until recently. I'm not sure which song I heard first. It was either "Home for a Rest" or "And If Venice is Sinking". But by either one, I was hooked!

"Home for a Rest" is one of my favourite drinking songs, and is often mis-attributed to Great Big Sea. Funny thing, considering these bands sound nothing alike aside from their Celtic roots. Sometimes I wish Great Big Sea would just cover it to get it over with and say that they've actually done it.

"And If Venice is Sinking" is a beautiful love song in the style of romantic ditties of the venitian era, complete with accordion, as well as a tuba as bass. Essentially, it's about wanting to stay in Venice even if it sinks and going under with it, since it's so beautiful.

I'd been searching for the best album to get and I'm pleased to say that this is a great introduction to the band (I've bought another of their albums since) and these favourites are just a few of the many good songs on this album, including orchestral versions of "And If Venice is Sinking" (as if it wasn't beautiful enough!) and a few others. And if you haven't guessed by now, this band isn't a polka band like the cover would seem to suggest, but rather a Celtic based band, which has progressed into more of a rock band, and this album showcases the range of songs that they have very well. It definitely is a great album to have.

So, what are you waiting for? Don't walk, but run to the store to pick up a copy!

Album: Spirit of the West - Hit Parade
Label: Warner Music Canada
Release Date: 1999
Bonus Material?: No

1 comment:

  1. I believe I have heard this group on the radio occasionally and "mis-attributed to Great Big " is a good enough recomendation for me to go buy the cd!! will look for it this weekend

    welcome back to the blogger world HAVE MISSED YOU!
